Consciousness is the opposite of indifference, of blindness, blankness. Promoting consciousness involves the general dissemination of the concept that each of us is part of a universal action and interaction…connections, connections, cause and effect, clarity on their relation and interrelations, the connection with the past, continuity, flow, movement, the awareness that nothing remains the same for long. — George Jackson, Blood In My Eye
if a misanthropist and a communist
were friends, lovers even, what might
that idyllic look like
neither one is co-dependant of the
other. all the while, they listen to
each other talk at length about
oppression — agreeing to disagree
never once trying to bend to one
another’s ideologies, yet they
yearn to understand — apathy
is a stomach turner for both of them.
while one is inclined to a hatred of
themselves and others the other is
inclined to love of themselves and
the people
the misanthropist hates
— hated — that they hate —
understands why hatred followed
hates negligence, hates carelessness,
hates pain, suffering, disposability
beauteous delusions — inclined to love
understanding through a communist’s eyes
whose love is of an iterative bond brought together
by struggle, who too, also hates the same things
the misanthropist does — brings them all down the
same way.
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Patrick Jonathan Derilus is an American-born Haitian independent writer and Goodreads author who resides in Brooklyn, New York. Their pronouns are he, him, his, or they, them, theirs. They write poetry, short stories, and essays. They are published in RaceBaitR, Rabble Literature Magazine, Cutlines Press Magazine, Linden Avenue Literature Magazine, and elsewhere. They are the author of their 2016 anthological work, Thriving Fire: Musings of A Poet’s Odyssey and newest ebook, Perennial: a collection of letters.