A Meditative Call to Abolish The White American Dream™
Ultimately, ending the Amerikkkan dream mythos that has poisoned generation after generation with this idea of individualism, and capitalizing on everything… Ultimately putting a price on people, relationships, existence and creating enormous exploitation and hardship. Living radically inside Amerikkka is incredibly difficult, dare I say ableist, where ultimately even the most radical will be a hypocrite in one way or another as you always be benefiting or collaborating with Amerikkkan Enterprise. I think employing alliances with union syndicates for international trade and finding a way to transport goods to and from land locked indigenous lands could get you really close independent sovereignty. Frankly, Amerikkka should be forced into isolation, boycotted and held accountable by an international accountability process. This country has committed repeated war crimes and genocide. — A comrade
I feel like Colonized and Oppressed folk could work collaboratively to develop a plethora of infrastructures. The ‘plethora of infrastructures’ I’m referring to is designing an ongoing constructive, collective dialogue — unpacking — around what I’d call, a ‘mourning process’ of the mythologized lives we are/were conditioned to desire — that originates solely from the W.S.A.D. project, namely, the white settler ameriKKKan Dream™.
We mourn what many, if not all of us, will not have.
All this leaves is us accepting that we will never have the Dream.
The W.S.A.D. project is objectively flawed and is only beneficial to the fascist, genocidal settlers who originally created it and those who conform to its imperialist white supremacist capitalist cisheteropatriarchal ideology.
The reason that we mourn is because all the while the Dream™ has proven much to be desired for us, the Dream™ politically functions against us. A lot of us have believed that this Dream™ was tenable enough to pursue it, deceptively enticed by flowery ideas of individualist fulfillment.
This mourning process, then, would require a teleological approach. For those who are unfamiliar to the term, teleology, is defined as a doctrine (in philosophy) explaining phenomena by their ends or purposes.
In this case, we unflinchingly broach the definitional properties of the Dream’s symbolic meaning(s) — the functionality of purpose(s) that manufacture the Dream™— of being/feeling coerced to pursue the rigid customs embedded within the Dream.
We gradually learn that in our attempts to follow this rigid blueprint, our laborious efforts to develop well-developed lives leads us to an abundance of facades about so-called success, maintaining financial security, and so forth.
Many of us already interrogate the supposed meaningfulness of the white settler ameriKKKan project at different points of our lives. In fact, these interrogations could prompt us to ask ourselves the following questions:
- Why did we want what we wanted?
- How did we know we wanted what we wanted was true to us? Was it true to us or were we pressured by external factors (e.g.: society, our families, friends, acquaintances)?
- Why are people who come here without choice expected to surrender to a stringent, one-dimensional sense of purpose within a constricted time frame?
An example is a Black person who is the first-generation offspring of Haitian descendants.
The colonial, imperialist, patriarchal white settler power structure is unquestionably responsible for contriving the Dream™ — the same so-called “Dream” that disenfranchises non-European lands and its people.
As a result, millions of non-European families are forced to surrender themselves to the Dream™ — to punitively force-feed themselves and their offspring the outworn notion that their children attending school (nonconsensually, I will emphasize) and rigorously advancing a predominately white enculturated “education” via academic institutions (from elementary school to college) is somehow irrefutably the absolute method by which they will prevail.
4. Why do we repress or exhibit jealousy — bitterness — or ongoing shame — inferiority? In the face of the myth of ameriKKKan meritocracy?
5. Why are we told not to be “jealous” or “bitter?” Why are we told “not to compare ourselves” to others when the Dream™ manipulatively incites us to do so through internalizing ideals of hypercompetitiveness—to pit ourselves against one another (via racial capitalism)?
6. Why do we avoid what those consumed in toxic positivity culture may construe as “negative” emotions?
7. Why shouldn’t we call into question where feelings of inferiority, jealousy, and or bitterness are coming from?
8. Do we feel the same way now about the Dream™ than when we did before learning a lot about this bullshit?
9. How might we repurpose “success” outside of its white, colonial, capitalist definition?
10. How do we, essentially, as a collective, abolish the white ameriKKKan Dream™ in our minds, and grammatically and purposefully ascribe to manifesting a dream for ourselves — while rejecting the white settler ameriKKKan Dream™?
It is semantically important to differentiate the uses of the articles the and a particularly in the context of the W.S.A.D. project.
The Dream™ suggests that there exists only one rectilinear dream that every sentient being—from diverse walks of life “should” yield to. The Dream™ needs to be abolished so as to ensure that we all blossom in life without the Sisyphean insistence to “make it to the top.”
Conversely, a dream, is both a verb and a noun. To dream is a willful (and oftentimes) an involuntary individual and or collective act of creating mental images and emotions by the power of our unbounded imaginations. Having a dream is reinforced by this act. With attention to collective autonomy, by existing alone, we should be allowed to have dreams—to conjure dreams—to create dreams, and above all, endeavor our own dreams.
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Patrick Jonathan Derilus is an American-born Haitian independent writer and Goodreads author who resides in Brooklyn, New York. Their pronouns are he, him, his, or they, them, theirs. They write poetry, short stories, and essays. They are published in RaceBaitR, Rabble Literature Magazine, Cutlines Press Magazine, Linden Avenue Literature Magazine, and elsewhere. They are the author of their 2016 anthological work, Thriving Fire: Musings of A Poet’s Odyssey and newest ebook, Perennial: a collection of letters.