PinnedAbolish Rent: An Anecdote on Winning My Eviction Case, Blackness as Fungibility & Accumulation In…“A political program that would upend the contemporary order cannot be done without Blackness, and that’s what becomes threatening.”Jan 31Jan 31
PinnedI, too, am the afterlife of slavery: Haitian Plight & The World As An Unethical FormationThe World, as an unethical formation, will always remind me of itself.Dec 14, 2024Dec 14, 2024
PinnedStepping Against The Scale: “Health” Is Prescribed For The Human, Never The Black”“For “race” to be constructed, the Slave had to exist — and had to exist as the antithesis of health.” — Da’Shaun, Belly of The BeastAug 10, 2024Aug 10, 2024
PinnedAppreciating My Black Body For What It IsI decided to publish this here and share the difficult but necessary journey toward appreciating my Black body for what it is.Mar 26, 2024Mar 26, 2024
PinnedA Calling: I don’t call it “god”I gradually began to believe these occurrences happened because they are in part of the collective struggle for better.Feb 28, 2023Feb 28, 2023
In(capacity), A Meditation on Black Speech & Writing“As a Black writer I am tasked with making sense of this violence without being overwhelmed and disoriented by it.”Feb 27Feb 27
pummeled, a meditation on the state of thingsit’s entrenched in the grammar of the world do not entertain the question; if only we could refrain from saying what we do not mean.Oct 21, 2024Oct 21, 2024
grow up isn’t what you think it meansThe more I thought about it, it reminded me a lot of myself — how I’ve lived with this sense of existential dread.Oct 21, 2024Oct 21, 2024
Don’t Despair Let’s End The World: A Word for Frank B. Wilderson III’s Afropessimism“Afropessimism is Black people at their best. “Mad at the world” is Black folks at their best.” — Frank B. Wilderson III, AfropessimismAug 6, 20241Aug 6, 20241